John and Wendy met and worked with thirty-six students from across the school today to begin a ten day animation project to celebrate the centenary of Harry Gosling School.
The children did some great work today, watching animations, making zoetrope strips and flip books, brainstorming ideas about their school, creating storyboards and learning about the man Harry Gosling.
Here are some quotes from the children about how the day went :-
Kareena - "Today we made strips for the Zoetrope"
Nuzhat - "Alhena's coloured balls looked like a rainbow when it spun around"
Alhena - "We drawed a storyboard of the Centenary fete that happened at our school"
Farhana- "We watched an animation made from sand which was really funny"
Mehreen - We watched an animation called a Colour box and discussed different animations."
"We had lots of fun"
Thajkera - "We did a brainstorm about what we did at the Centenary Day Celebrations"
Mehreen - "I enjoyed making the storyboards because it reminds me of when our old headteacher used to work here. My story was about her Visiting on Centenary Day"
Maryam " We tried to draw a face with our eyes closed"
Adila - "We saw how an animation was made"
Mohamed - "We watched an animation of a blackbird called La Merle"